Phone: 847.480.7211
Hourly or daily rates and salaries for caregivers, housekeepers, nannies, and other domestic employees vary greatly depending on numerous factors. Each position's requirements and circumstances are different; therefore, it is impossible to specify a particular rate. Furthermore, market conditions are also controlling the rates and these conditions are continually changing. Some basic factors that go into calculating a domestic employee's rate are:
- is the position is full or part time?
- is the position permanent or temporary?
- number of daily work hours for a domestic worker
- does the employee need to drive? if so, is there a car available?
- is the position live-in or live-out?
- amount and difficulty of daily responsibilities
- employee's previous work experience in a given field
- domestic worker's special skills and certifications
- additional languages spoken
Give us a call at 847-480-7211 for a no-obligation consultation and we will advise you on setting a fair rate or salary for a domestic employee based on your requirements.